She always argued about having two hearts. Hubby and I tried explaining to her that she has one, but she would not listen.
'I have two hearts,' she would always say.
And I finally asked Hubby to back off, thinking that maybe somehow she means she has a bigger heart, maybe that would mean she would grow up to be a very kind person, kinder than usual. After all, she has two hearts instead of just one that Mother Teresa had. I am a mother, and I tend to think good things about my kids. I'm a mother, I don't have to explain my reasoning. So stop snickering at me, please.
Today, she kept pulling down her shirt and laughing. It made me a little uncomfortable since I don't want my daughter growing up to be a flasher, you know. So, I asked her to stop. She giggled and kept going at it. I asked her why she was doing that. She said she wanted to look at
them, pointing to her *gulp* nipples.
Now I am not even sure if they are called that on girls her age. And before writing this post, I tried doing a search for the right word as I didn't want to sound anatomically incorrect. But as I sat there with the vacant Google bar staring at me, waiting for me to put in a word, a phrase, a question, I did not know what to ask for without generating pictures or sites of X-rated nature. After a few failed attempts, (that DID generate the stuff I was afraid of, even though I was being cautious) I gave up, and hoped I was using the right term in terms of anatomy.
Anyway, so I asked her why she liked looking at them, and after the obvious first answer, 'because' she shared with me that they are funny. I asked her if she finds her nose funny, and she replied 'No!' in an offended tone.
'Then why do you find these funny? These are also a part of your body', I said.
'But what are they called?'
'Umm. . . that's your chest.'
'Yes, but this is my heart,' she pointed to one of
'No, baby. Your heart is inside your body.Remember we read that in the book?'
'No, its outside. See? One, two.'
This heart, Mother Teresa also had two of.